quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Geology of Brazil

Brazil is totally contained in the South American Platform, whose foundation of geological evolution is very complex, dating back to the Archean era. Had completed its consolidation period between the Proterozoic and early Palaeozoic period, with the closing the Brazilian cycle.

Crystalline shields

Sedimentary Basins


The topography of Brazil is divided into two major areas of upland and three lowland, namely:

• The Guiana Shield, covering the mountainous region and the North Plateau Amazon. Located in the far north, is part of the Guiana shield, with crystalline rocks of the Precambrian period. It is this area which is the culminating peak of Brazil - Pico da Neblina, with an altitude of 3,014 m

• Brazilian Plateau, subdivided into central, Maranhão, Piauí, Northeastern, mountains and highlands of East and Southeast, South and Uruguayan-Riograndense, consists of crystalline terrain quite worn and sedimentary pockets. It is located in the central part of the country, extending over large areas of territory.

• Plains and Amazonian lowlands. Located in the north of the country, just below the Guiana Shield, has three distinct altitudinal levels - wetlands, consisting of plots of recent formation located near the banks of rivers; Tecos or river terraces, with a maximum altitude of 30 m and periodically flooded, and low-highlands or plateaus formed by lands of Tertiary.

• Plain Pantanal, located in the western state of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso southwest and is composed of the Quaternary land.

• Plains and coastal lowlands, following the Brazilian coast of Maranhão to the south of the country consists of land from the Tertiary and Quaternary terrains current.

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