quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Geological formation

A geological formation is a set of rocks or minerals that have characteristics in relation to its composition, age, national origin or other similar properties. It is the basic fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy for the appointment of a group of rocks. To be classified as training, this set of rocks needs, and is distinguishable from other sets of rocks, have wide geographic distribution enough to be individually mappable in surface and / or subsurface. Formations are not defined by the thickness of the extracts of rock that form and therefore the thickness of formations can vary widely. A formation can be subdivided into members or clustered in groups.

Geology of Brazil

Brazil is totally contained in the South American Platform, whose foundation of geological evolution is very complex, dating back to the Archean era. Had completed its consolidation period between the Proterozoic and early Palaeozoic period, with the closing the Brazilian cycle.

Crystalline shields

Sedimentary Basins


The topography of Brazil is divided into two major areas of upland and three lowland, namely:

• The Guiana Shield, covering the mountainous region and the North Plateau Amazon. Located in the far north, is part of the Guiana shield, with crystalline rocks of the Precambrian period. It is this area which is the culminating peak of Brazil - Pico da Neblina, with an altitude of 3,014 m

• Brazilian Plateau, subdivided into central, Maranhão, Piauí, Northeastern, mountains and highlands of East and Southeast, South and Uruguayan-Riograndense, consists of crystalline terrain quite worn and sedimentary pockets. It is located in the central part of the country, extending over large areas of territory.

• Plains and Amazonian lowlands. Located in the north of the country, just below the Guiana Shield, has three distinct altitudinal levels - wetlands, consisting of plots of recent formation located near the banks of rivers; Tecos or river terraces, with a maximum altitude of 30 m and periodically flooded, and low-highlands or plateaus formed by lands of Tertiary.

• Plain Pantanal, located in the western state of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso southwest and is composed of the Quaternary land.

• Plains and coastal lowlands, following the Brazilian coast of Maranhão to the south of the country consists of land from the Tertiary and Quaternary terrains current.

Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, tombs were constructed for the kings and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom. The valley stands on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Thebes, within the heart of the Theban Necropolis. The wadi consists of two valleys, East Valley and West Valley.

Black River

The Black River is the largest left tributary of the Amazon River, the longest river of black water in the world, and the second largest volume of water - second only to Amazon, which helps form. Has it's origin between the basins of the Orinoco and Amazon, and also connects with the Orinoco by Casiquiare channel. In Colombia, which has it's source, is called the river Guainia.

Augustine Volcano

Augustine Volcano is a strato volcano on Augustine Island in southwestern Cook Inlet in the Kenai Peninsula Borough of south central coastal Alaska, 280 kilometers southwest of Anchorage. The Alaska Volcano Observatory currently rates Mount Augustine as Level of Concern Color Code Green for aviation and the Volcano Alert Level is at Normal. Augustine Island has a land area of 83.872 square kilometers, while West Island, just off Augustine's western shores, has 5.142 km².

Fog Peak

Fog Peak is the highest mountain in Brazil, 2.994 metres above sea level, in the Imeri mountain range, a section of the Guiana Highlands on the Brazil-Venezuela border. As determined by a border survey expedition in 1962, it's summit lies barely within Brazilian territory, at horizontal distance of a mere 687 m from the Venezuelan border at Peak March 31. The latter peak is only 21 metres lower and Brazil's second highest mountain.

Grotto of Cacahuamilpa

The Grotto of Cacahuamilpa National Park in Guerrero, México, is best know for the Grotto of Cacahuamilpa Caverns, which are one of the largest cave systems in the world. It is also home to the Grotto of Carlos Pacheco, a smaller system, as well as two subterranean rivers which have carved out tunnels in the rock. The park has extreme sports attractions such as rappelling, and rock climbing in Limontitla Canyon as well as the two undergroud rivers to explore. It also has a small botanical garden, a pool and places to camp.

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is in the territory of the United States of America. It's valley was shaped by the Colorado River for thousands of years as it's waters covered the bed, deepening the over 446 km. Comes to measuring between 6 and 29 km wide and reaches depths of 1600 meters. About 2 billion years of geological history of Earth were exposed by the river, as this and it's tributaries cut through layer after layer of sediment.

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain on the island of Honshu all of Japan and the 35th highest in the world. It is an active volcano, but low risk of eruption.

Plateau Diamantina

The Plateau Diamantina is a region of mountains, located in the center of the Bazilian state of Bahia, where they were born almost all the rivers of the Paraguaçú of Jacuípe and Rio de Contas. These streams of water peaks in spring and slide topography in beautiful streams, waterfalls plummet into bubbling pools and transparent form. The national park is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio).

Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls are a cluster of massive falls of water located in the Niagara River in eastern North America, between lakes Erie and Ontario on the border between the U.S. state of New York and the Canadian province of Ontario. The Niagara Falls consist of three distinct groups of cataracts: the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. While not exceptionally high, Niagara Falls are very wide, and easily the most voluminous waterfall located in North America. When the volume of water is high, about 168 thousand cubic meters of water falls from the falls every minute, while the average is 168 thousand cubic meters.